The CBD blog for cannacurious people.

A good CBD herbal tea, a comfortable place to settle in and off we go to discover all our articles dedicated to hemp and cannabidiol.

Le thé au CBD : un remède naturel pour les tracas quotidiens

CBD tea: a natural remedy for daily worries

Looking for a CBD tea or hemp herbal tea to soothe anxiety, pain or changing moods? Marie-Janine explains the benefits of CBD in your hot cups.
Femmes et cannabis : un secteur encore trop masculin

Women and cannabis: a sector that is still too masculine

Women and cannabis have a long history. Between gender stereotypes in consumption habits and the lack of women in the industry, there is still a way to go.
Faut-il légaliser le cannabis en France ? Les arguments pour et contre.

Should cannabis be legalized in France? The arguments for and against.

Discover the advantages and disadvantages of the legalization of cannabis in France and the arguments to respond to your Uncle Roger when he cries scandal.
Cannabis et préjugés : une belle histoire d’amour

Cannabis and prejudice: a beautiful love story

When I say “cannabis”, do you immediately think of a guy with dreadlocks? Marie-Janine breaks down your prejudices around cannabis and talks to you about the reality of this (super) plant.
Le CBD, c’est quoi & comment agit-il ?

What is CBD & how does it work?

A super star molecule of recent years, I'll explain where it comes from and how it works. Acronym for CannaBiDiol, CBD is a molecule derived from the cannabis plant. It is part of the same famil...
Le CBD à Noël pour des fêtes sans stress

CBD at Christmas for stress-free celebrations

Do you (still) feel like you're giving the same gifts? Here is my selection of original CBD gifts for a stress-free Christmas but with surprises! All without breaking the bank and with quality Fre...
La consommation de cannabis en France n’est pas illégale

Cannabis consumption in France is not illegal

The consumption of cannabis in France is not illegal. It is a psychotrophic molecule, THC, which is. We explain to you what you are allowed to consume or not.
Différences chanvre et cannabis : est-ce vraiment différent ?

Differences between hemp and cannabis: is it really different?

Cannabis, weed, hemp, CBD; by dint of crossing all these terms you no longer really know where to turn. Like your evening last Saturday night, everything is a little blurry. Don't panic, in th...